Q: Are all events free of charge?
A: Absolutely! All our events are free to attend. However, as a courtesy to the bars, we recommend getting a drink.
Q: What time should I arrive at an event?
A: Our events usually start at the scheduled time, but feel free to join us whenever you can during the event.
Q: What languages can I speak?
A: There will always be people speaking English, Spanish, and Catalan. It's quite likely there will also be people speaking Italian, French, German, and other languages who can help you learn those languages.
Q: Do I need a certain language skill level to join a language exchange?
A: Not at all! Our language exchanges are designed for all language levels. You're more than welcome, whether you're a beginner or a fluent speaker!
Q: What are the benefits of the app?
A: Our app provides instant access to event details, exclusive benefits like the Barcelona Explorer Card, free drinks, and more.
Q: What kind of events can I expect?
A: We host a variety of events from language exchanges, parties, catamaran trips to cultural exploration activities. Our aim is to create an exciting and welcoming atmosphere for everyone!